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Warrenz Items have different background colors depending on the category they belong to. This is to help users see what item can do what.




This Category ecompasses all training items.
You can trade these in to the trainer in for rabbit stat training.
You can also buy Bones on the Bone Shop

Food / Battle Consumables

Battle Items

This Category is for items that can be used in battle and is divided in to 2 subcategories, herbs and Fruits and Veggies.
Herbs can be bought at the Herbal Buys, and heal Energy.
Fruits and Veggies can be bought at Farm Fresh, and they heal HP.
These items can only be used in battle.

Rabbit Image Changers

Rabbit Image Changers

This category is a broad category that includes all items that can change a rabbits appearance, whether it is genetic or not.
Items include DNA, Snowflakes and pose changers.
Always remember to clear your cache if after using these items, your rabbits image doesn't change.

Rabbit Info Changers

Rabbit Info Changers

This Category includes items that will change your rabbits information, rather than the image. Items like identity stones, gender stones, level items, personality changers and more are included.

Breeding Items

Breeding Items

Breeding items are items using in kindling. Usually, they affect kit outcomes,
but time pods are also included in this category.
Timepods are the only items that are used directly from the inventory rather than the kindling page.



Items in this category can be opened to reveal the items inside!
Currently there is only one set of items in this category, but more will get added to the game.

Store Items

Store Items

This category includes items that can only be bought via the credit store. Some of these items also have other categories and won't show this one's color as the background.
You can get these items via the Store