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Should rare items be with Explore Rabbits instead of Forage?

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Last Seen: 1-6 months ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 13:58:44 | Report

Explore sounds like a great idea and will definitely help tidy up finding rare items! It also makes sense lore-wise, since rare items are more wanted and there's far more chance it'd be guarded by someone! Id like it more if it didnt require the rabbit to be claimed into the warren; maybe simply add 2 separate Incomplete Challange entries upon defeating an item holding rabbit, to claim a rabbit and/or to pick up the item? There could be an option to "take both" on finish battle page (could be unavailable if no appropriate warren/den space), or separate options to take just 1 of them, item or rabbit. It makes sense logic-wise to only allow item to be picked up for a limited time since, if you just leave something lying about, someone else is bound to find it and take it - so if you want the item, you need to pick it up right away. :) Random non-rare item suggestion: Maybe some items could also be found when defeating predators? It always kinda bugs me when my rabbits find XX bones when foraging... gives an impression they're exploring a rabbit graveyard O.O maybe rabbit bones could be found less often in forage but could be gotten from defeating a predator? :) Would make sense for a warren of rabbits to find predator's unfinished dinner upon defeating it. Maybe the higher level the predator is, the more # of bones could be found.

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 14:01:42 | Report

Incomplete challenges may work. We could allow you to find rabbits without den space that way, though I'm not sure how we'd handle that with predators. The only reason there's no items in predators (originally they were going to give bones) is because of the den space dilemma. Which could be solved by requiring den space to explore, but it seemed like a hassle at the time, so we just made them give the stats directly instead. So there's a tradeoff to consider.

Last Seen: 1-6 months ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 14:07:19 | Report

How about simply needing den space, when claiming an item from Incomplete Challanges page? Aka, if you have Den Space, it will show the button "Claim this item!" If you dont have Den Space, it will show a red error "Expand your den space to claim this item!" Incomplete Challanges could keep the item finds added for 24 hours, same as rabbits, allowing the user time to go and expand their den, then come back and claim the item?

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 14:10:41 | Report

That works for the rabbits, but as you mentioned, what about the predators? (this poll of course is about the rabbits so we don't need to worry abou that, but you brought up the predator suggestion and that's the dilemma we've had) There's no incomplete challenge for predators after you defeat them.

Last Seen: 1-6 months ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 14:14:58 | Report

It could just add the item claim incomplete challange after defeating a predator, without any rabbit challange? Like defeat a predator - claim an item appears in incomplete challanges? What I suggest is making Separate challanges for claim rabbit and claim item; so when you defeat say, an item holding rabbit, you get 2 different challanges added to Incomplete; 1 to claim a rabbit and 1 to claim an item. Predator challanges could just add 1 claim an item!

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 14:30:36 | Report

If you want to post that in suggestions we can have that up! It'll be difficult to add (the only reason we haven't already) because of how the predators are coded, but if it's super duper important, it can be done.

Last Seen: 3-7 days ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 14:43:34 | Report

I agree with MadHyena that I would prefrr it not be necessary to claim a rabbit to pick up the item. You could add a message like ' the rabbit ran away. It dropped something!' And then give the option to pick it up or leave it. Like MadHuena suggested the item could be left there like incomplete challenges, disappearing afterwards because lore wise another rabbit picked it up. Not sure about the item and bun association. If only Unibuns carry Horn, won't it make it harder to get a horn? Since finding a Unibun is rare too? Of course tou can get 2 for 1 when you do find one but I don't know that seems a bit off to me. I would prefer them neing kept seperate.

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 14:59:32 | Report

Just a note on the item to rabbit association. We don’t have to do it that way. The only benefit to having it that way is that the item would indicate that you found a rare rabbit. This wouldn’t really benefit for the unibun since they have a unique pose shape but would help with rare color rabbits. For example if you see the rabbit is holding an item you would know that it is of some rare color. If we make the items not associated with the rabbit color you wouldn’t have that extra little perk.

Last Seen: 6-12 months ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 15:12:33 | Report

I think that, for rare event only pose items like Unicorn Horns, Unibuns could have like a 70-90% of a chance to hold one, but normal rabbits maybe around 5%? So either way, youd still get some even if you dont find Unibuns. I usually dont really search for event buns because forage was WAY easier, so Im not too sure whats the average rare special bun per user ratio. Still, it would also fit lore-wise, other buns would be in the event, looking for horns/stars etc. Just... a much lower rate than the actual special buns

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 16:56:24 | Report

Maybe instead of requiring that you have den space to explore, because you may not be interested in items at the time, you instead get a warning at the top of the explore page, above the three rabbits/preds, that you have no den space and wont be able to collect items?

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 17:06:57 | Report

I might be a bit in the minority here, but I kind of want the super rare items to stay in forage. I don't have time to sit and explore for a long amount of time daily in attempts to find the rabbits or predators that might have the rare items. I can forage easily enough each day without feeling pressured though, and if I get one of the super rare items great, if I don't, I don't. It's a neat idea for some special items, but I'd still like foraging for them to be accessible.

Last Seen: 6-12 months ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 17:16:28 | Report

What if they were available both ways? Like - use CarrotCube's suggestion on percentile chances above, and still have them in forage. It would probably take some fiddling to find a good balance of percentage chances - but then it enables newer players with lower amounts of rabbits to explore and have the chance of getting those rare items without strictly tying them to rabbit amounts and also doesn't penalize folks for not having a lot of time?

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 17:19:39 | Report

I like FadedSoul’s idea. If the numbers work of course ^^

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 18:22:47 | Report

Ok.. I voted for moving them, before reading the mechanics... now I kinda wish I had voted to leave them in forage. (Mainly because I didn't consider the time it would take for me to explore, and how limited my time is on my work days - those days, I can still get my foraging in when I can't spend as much time exploring.) Regardless, if they move, I don't think they should only be tied to rare rabbits. I found so few of the rare buns, sometimes I found none in the events (skvaders), so, 95% of my rare species are from converting with items found/purchased. Also, maybe I am being selfish at the moment, but what about players who *have* worked hard to go through the levels, in order to have larger forage abilities? I understand it's easier for us to find items in forage - but, we kind of earned that ability through having played the game long enough. Perhaps, to help reduce the items found with the forage armies, we could have a daily cap on how many of each rare item can be found through daily forage? Possible Blurbs: * [rabbitname] has found a Jay Stone. You have reached your daily limit for these, and are unable to take it back with you. * * [rabbitname] has found a Jay Stone. You may only find [number] more of these today. * Perhaps a maximum limit of 3 of each rare item a day? (Feel free to suggest other cap numbers.) Yes, that could mean a forage army could then move to a new zone for different items, but again, that is a privilege they would have from having earned that many rabbits, and those other items would still be capped as well. And, side note, yeah, the items found may not be so super rare for a forage army right now, but the passing rates on those species certainly are! I can count on one hand, the times my combined rare species have passed it. So, while yes, if you look at my army, you see a large amount of rare species, I am definitely not reproducing them - even with the special shrooms and mass breeding.

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 20:47:00 | Report

I am in the "...why not both?" camp as well My suggestion for Forage would be to limit each area to a certain number of buns. For example, say we use 20. If I have 100 bunnies, I can send 20 buns to forage in the event area, but then I have 80 bun-turns to use elsewhere (I could max out say, Snowshed, Mystic Grove, Tropical Yard, and Rocky Pass as well or spread things more evenly). This would keep things more fair to newer users, as 20 buns is a reasonably quick thing to have. Also... I don't like items only being on special buns if the rates of special buns isn't tweaked. I don't have the largest amount of time in the world to grind, so I have yet to encounter a special bun in the wild (which is a shame; I wanted to see the flavor text for encountering Aliens/Tailypos). If the transform items were locked to the special poses, I wouldn't be able to have any special bunnies at all.

Last Seen: 1-6 months ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-18 21:43:41 | Report

I'm in the "both forging and exploring" camp. The proposal of a foraging cap sounds fine, but then allow unlimited exploring and finding from fights. I'm not a fan of the rare items on same bunny types and think it should be randomized. The rabbits can potentially carry treasure, and it doesn't make sense to me that only a unibun for example, would have a horn item. They're already a uni, but a regular rabbit who hasn't used the item, lorewise in my mind, is probably carrying one. <I>"Also, maybe I am being selfish at the moment, but what about players who *have* worked hard to go through the levels, in order to have larger forage abilities? I understand it's easier for us to find items in forage - but, we kind of earned that ability through having played the game long enough. "</i> I agree with this sentiment. I understand wanting to try and keep the playing field even as possible, but older players are going to have more resources. It's one of the perks of playing a game and putting effort into it. Those who have shouldn't be heavily penalized for following the game mechanism and doing well. Challenged: yes. Frustrated: no. New players who stick with it will someday attain a higher level, and then the perks of a higher level will be theirs too.

Last Seen: 3-7 days ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-19 01:36:27 | Report

Having read some newer replies, I am in the "both explore and forage" camp as well.

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-19 05:25:48 | Report

I like MuttDuck's idea of keeping them in forage, but with a cap. I get little time to explore and challenge. All my time goes into the events. In fact, tbh I haven't played much recently because I want to Trick or Treat, but it's such a big task my brain goes "no, no, we're not even going to the site. Cannot face."

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-19 15:05:17 | Report

Having read the most recent replies, I too, would be in favor of a limit of rare items from an area in a day. It would make people vary where they forage from. The only exception I would say, is the monthly areas like the june beach, or the swamp. Those areas are limited enough by only being available for a month out of the year.

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2019-10-22 12:07:08 | Report

Thank you for all the feedback, everyone. This poll has ended.

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